Favorite Movies

Favorite Movies

This is a list from my phone it's mostly complete. All of these are good, some are better than others but I like them all a lot. You'll notice a lot people being involved in multiple movies, Jack Nicholson, Dennis Hopper, Faye Dunaway, Gene Hackman, Peter Sellers, Karen Black, Al Pacino...etc. It's because they are very good at acting and make a lot of good movies. There's also multiple scorcese, coppela and kubrick and Sydney Lumet movies, they are very good at directing and make a lot of good movies. Watch any of these and you'll have a good time, at least I did. 


Once upon a time in Hollywood (My favorite movie ever made)

Psych out (Jack Nicholson plays a hippie lol it's good tho)

Beyond the valley of the dolls (Russ Meyer boobie movie that is shockingly good)

Cisco pike (Kris, Karen Black, Gene Hackman, Harry Dean Stanton, yes)

-both of these following movies I watched and fully understood why they are considered some of the best ever made-

Taxi Driver

Apocalypse Now

Easy Rider (No shit)

Being there (Like if Forrest Gump was a good movie)

The American Friend (Dennis Hopper was banished to europe for a bit in the '70's he made this movie with Wim Wenders, its perfect)

Dicky Robert’s (Yes with David Spade)

Dr Strangelove (Yes)

A woman under the influence (John Cassavettes starring Peter Falk and Genna Rowlands)

Killing of a Chinese bookie (John Cassavettes with Ben Gazzara)

Chinatown (John Huston is so fucking good)

Five easy pieces (Nicholson and Karen Black, nothing gets resolved but it's very good)

Electric horseman (Robert Redford steals a horse)

Variety (Time's Square 1980 porno theaters and all)

La story (Steve Martin is the best) 

The killing (Early Kubrik)

Rancho deluxe (Goofy ass 1974 Jeff Bridges rustling cattle)

Dirty Harry (you'll find our why they call him dirty harry)

Thunderbolt and lightfoot (If you haven't seen it you should, Clint Eastwod and Jeff Bridges)

Three days at the condor (Good spy shit with Robert Redford and Faye Dunaway)

The last movie (Dennis Hopper's follow up to Easy Rider, very clear why the studio hated it, I love it)

The shooting (Warren Oates, Jack Nicholson acid western)

Rolling Thunder (A vietnam vet with a hook hand and a shotgun goes on a mission to avenge his wife and sons murder)

Leon the professional (1990's Taxi Driver kinda)

Smokey and the bandit (Obviously)

Fisher king (Jeff Bridges and Robin Williams it will make you cry maybe)

What’s new pussycat (Early Woody Allen, Peter O'toole and Peter Sellers are very funny)

Magic Christian (Peter Sellers and Ringo Starr)

The Full Monty (Ugly british men take their clothes off)

Walk Hard (Literally never gets old)

horrible Bosses (Yes the comedy from 2011)

My cousin Vinny (I saw this when I was 12)

Dead men don’t wear plaid (Steve Martin and Humphrey Bogart)

Hell or high water (A modern western)

Deep red (Dario Argento the king of Giallo)

Bird with the crystal plumage (Also Argento, look up Giallo)

Mean streets (Better than later scorcese and it's only like an hour and a half)

Death wish (Bronson at his peak)

The Player (I don't even like Tim Robbins)

Targets (shots and music)

Eyes of Laura mars (An American Giallo)

The Graduate (Clearly a good one)

Escape From NY (Kurt Russel is the shit)

Phantom of the paradise (Rock and roll phantom of the opera)

Dressed to Kill (Brian De Palma's best)

Breathless (French bullshit)

Joe (Peter Boyle is fuckin fantastic)

Maltese Falcon (That's Chinatown Jake)

The Pawnbroker (Rod Stieger plays a holocaust survivor, it's very good and a bummer.

The Bikeriders (A new movie???)

The Great Beauty (One of the absolute best things I've ever seen in my life)

The Birdcage (robin Williams Nathan Lane Hank Azzaria)

King of Comedy 

Crusing (Pacino goes undercover in the NYC gay S&M scene to find a killer, no one liked it at the time, a lot of people still don't including Al Pacino. I like it)

Roadhouse (It's fucking roadhouse

Phantom of the Paradise (Just nuts)

God Told Me To (Also nuts)

Where the Buffalo Roam (Bill Murray plays Hunter Thompson)

Dog Day Afternoon (ATTICA, second Sydney Lumet movie on the list)

New York Ripper (Daffy Duck sounding serial killer)

Coogan’s Bluff (Sexy young Clint Eastwood)

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